The prestige actress "Ryukawa Yun" becomes a dos executor and gives sanctions to men! The sexual desires of the people are in the near future Japan, which has been managed by the state. Those who neglect self-comfort or sexual activity and have accumulated sperm that exceeds legal standards are considered a violation of libido, and are judged by the ejaculation executor and the hand of the river! The violator's fgnatine is triggered by a violent handcuff, and the unsatisfactory late fungus Chippo is no-handed and relentlessly vacuum blowjob! If an abnormal person who has lost me in illegal miscellaneous goods, the executive officer will put his own body and give sanctions! Shatter your waist up and down with the back riding position while showing off a pre-ketsu on top of a man, smash the pie bread masuko intensely and invite to ejaculation! The execution is completed by confirming the large amount of zormen that fall from the vagina! Yuru RIKAWA wins and loses in the near future those who violate sexual desire!